First, I want to thank everyone so much for all the purrs and prayers for me.
CB purrs are the best! I am feeling better today!
I had to go to the v-e-t on Monday afternoon because I still wasn't eating very much and I threw up a couple of times - ewwwwww, I hate doing that! My Food Lady was very worried about me and kept hugging me and kissing me.
I was sleeping in bed when my Food Lady came in to see me again. Much to my chagrin she picked me up and pushed me into the dreaded PTU! She noticed that I just barely fit in there now - I think that it's because I am a very tall cat. I howled for the 15 minutes it took to drive to my v-e-t but I was very quiet when we went inside. I was glad that there weren't any dogs in the waiting room. In fact, I was the only one there! My Food Lady and I went into a little room and a nice lady came in and talked with my Food Lady about my not eating problem. I just nervously sat in the PTU.
The nice lady then tried to pull me out of the PTU. She had to turn it up on it's side to get me out. Once I was in there I didn't want to come out. She weighed me and I found out that I now weigh 15 pounds. I don't think that is so big - like I mentioned, I am a tall cat! After she let me off the scale, I got into the sink and snuggled over against the side of it. I'm not looking at you right now, Food Lady!
Then my v-et came in to see him. He seemed very nice until I had to come out of the sink and he took my temperature. I had to growl a little bit at that! He poked and prodded me all over and said he would need some parts of me for testing! I didn't like the sound of that at all. He had the nice lady take me into another room without my Food Lady. She stole my blood from me and squeezed my tummy for more samples. I hated that and my Food Lady heard me howling. I know she didn't want me to be there because she was crying. She was very worried about me. After giving me some sub-q fluids and a nutritional thing, they finally gave me back to my Food Lady and she took me home.
We had to wait until 6:00 last night to find out what was wrong with me. My v-e-t said that there was some very good news; I don't have diabetes! But he said I have to lose 3 pounds. My bloodwork was pretty good except my pancreas levels were a little bit high. He said he will call my Food Lady next week to check up on me. And he told me that I shouldn't have any more rotisserie chicken! I love rotisserie chicken but I hate going to the v-e-t so I'll try not to beg too much!
When I got home, I went to bed and China Cat was waiting for me. She was worried when my Food Lady took me away in the PTU, after all I'm still her "kitten" and will always be. See, she even put her paw on my back to make me feel better!
Today I'm going to find sunspots to sleep in and hopefully get all better! We all truly appreciate everyone sending over so many purrs and prayers!
CB purrs are the best! I am feeling better today!
I had to go to the v-e-t on Monday afternoon because I still wasn't eating very much and I threw up a couple of times - ewwwwww, I hate doing that! My Food Lady was very worried about me and kept hugging me and kissing me.
I was sleeping in bed when my Food Lady came in to see me again. Much to my chagrin she picked me up and pushed me into the dreaded PTU! She noticed that I just barely fit in there now - I think that it's because I am a very tall cat. I howled for the 15 minutes it took to drive to my v-e-t but I was very quiet when we went inside. I was glad that there weren't any dogs in the waiting room. In fact, I was the only one there! My Food Lady and I went into a little room and a nice lady came in and talked with my Food Lady about my not eating problem. I just nervously sat in the PTU.

We had to wait until 6:00 last night to find out what was wrong with me. My v-e-t said that there was some very good news; I don't have diabetes! But he said I have to lose 3 pounds. My bloodwork was pretty good except my pancreas levels were a little bit high. He said he will call my Food Lady next week to check up on me. And he told me that I shouldn't have any more rotisserie chicken! I love rotisserie chicken but I hate going to the v-e-t so I'll try not to beg too much!
When I got home, I went to bed and China Cat was waiting for me. She was worried when my Food Lady took me away in the PTU, after all I'm still her "kitten" and will always be. See, she even put her paw on my back to make me feel better!

Willow, we will keep the purrs coming your way! Now you need to do your part and eat a little!
We are very happy to hear you are going to be fine! Continued get-well vibes and purrayers going out your way...
Willow, we're sorry you hadta go to the dreaded v-e-t, but it probably was worth it to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong with you. We hope you will eat now...even though they want you to lose weight!! Sort of a contradiction, don't you think?
We're still purring for you and hope you will be back to normal soon.
We're glad you are okay!! We'll keep purring for you.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I am so very happy to hear that you are feeling better. My sisters and I are sending extra just-in-case purrs.
glad to hear that you're feeling better, Willow. :)
goodluck losing weight! if you don't want to feel bad or go to the v-e-t again, you gotta! :(
We are so happy you are OK! And yes, you look to be a VERREH tall Cat to us. We think 15 pounds is just right for such a towering frame.
Did you sing warrior songs on the way home? We find that help work off a lot of stress.
I am glad to hear that you are mostly okay, but I have to disagree with your vet - I think you should have the rotisserie chicken INSTEAD of catfood as a diet! But then, my human disagrees with me on THAT (feh, humans!) You are lucky that China was so nice to you when you got back. Over here, whenever anybody goes to the vet, everyone winds up being mad at everyone else.
I am glad that things are looking good for you. Our purrs that you get lots and lots better so that the chicken diet is not forever.
Bless your heart Willow! We are sending you tons of purrs and purrayers to get to feeling all better. Of course, we are sad that you can't have rotisserie chicken. Some of us here at Forty Paws LUF rotisserie chicken!
And we're sorry that you need to lose weight. Maw is going to Weight Watchers now. Maybe you can join Weight Watchers?
Luf, Us
Oh Willow!! We are sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well and that your Food Lady was so worried about you.
Thank goodness the news is good!!
That is a great way to celebrate your 7th year!!Too bad you cannot have lots of treats ;)
We are just so happy you are OK !!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We are glad you are feeling better, Willow. We will send lots of purrs and prayers that you are able to lose those extra pounds, because we want you to celebrate many, many more birthdays! :)
Oh Willow!!! We are so glad your Vet visit went well and that there is no diabetes!! We are sending prayers and purrrs to you so you can be 100% all better!!
((((((HUGGGGSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Willow we are sure that you have very big heavy bones and with your height you are not too heavy. Anyway to keep you away from the stabby place and to keep your mom happy we think a tiny diet could be in order!!
Poor Willow, what an ordeal, that sink doesn't look too comfy. We are very glad that you are home and don't have diabetes. Pancreas things hurt like mad, so no wonder you were feeling rough. We hope you feel much better soon and enjoy snuggling with China
Rumbly purrs to you Willow!
Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry
Dear Willow,
Me hates the vet! Yous did right showing the food lady your back! But yous should eat, even if yous on a diet! So nice that China Cat worried.
Me is purring for yous.
WE are so sorry you had to go to the vet Willow. We hate that too and yell all the way. We are very sorry we haven't been to your blog before now or at least we don't think we have. You know our assistant is very old and sometimes doesn't remember things. You are such a pretty kitty. Take care and sure hope you feel really good soon.
I am very relieved that you do not have diabetes, Willow, but sad that you can't have rotisserie chicken any more. Maybe you can have a little home baked chicken breast on your diet.
As you can see...we are way behind in visiting you! We hope you are feeling back to great again and Disco can sympathize with you about the diet thing. Fat (umm, tall) cats are prone to developing diabetes, too so we are glad you don't have that! Disco has been on a diet since August 2010 and has lost 1# 5 ounces, and he feels better but he has 2 more pounds to go, so his goal was to go from 16# to about 12.5#. His vet (who our Teri works for) said he needs 195 calories a day, so he gets 1 tablespoon of dry food twice a day and 3 oz of canned food twice a day. And Teri should be exercising him daily but doesn't but she notices now he is playing chase with Brighton more and he never used to do that when he was 'tall'...
Willow, I hope you are feeling better! I just found your blog and I love it. Sending lots of purrs your way!
Hi Willow, you remind me of my Bunnie who also needs to lose some weight. I'm glad I found your blog and will stop by to say hi. Happy you are feeling better.
Lol, cat in the sink!
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