I am just waiting to see how much snow we will get today. It was raining all day yesterday, then it turned into sleet and next was supposed to have been snow all night. All I wanted to do was go out into my screened-in porch to patrol for all the creatures out there who shouldn't be in my yard but it was TOO cold!
My Food Lady said it's only 22 degrees out - whatever that means.Maybe I'll just go back to bed until later when the sun comes out. I think that should warm my porch right up, don't you think??

If you're not ready to nap, check out all the other kitties at the Friday Ark!Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted by The Hidden Paw And Sunday you will find Carnival of the Cats #141 at Catymology.
22 degrees means this: it's cold outside and you don't want to be out there!
Well, if it's cold out there, then the only solution is to stay inside and take a nap. Thanks for the link. I've added you to my link list too.
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