Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long Tummy on Tuesday...

Here I am on Tummy Tuesday!
How about that tummy?

Like Norma Desmond said,
"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
I am ready for my tummy close-up...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Remembering Those Who Served...

Memorial Day
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary
St. Louis, Missouri
May 28, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I was limericked too...

Oh Hooray!
China Cat told me to go over to Kitty Limericks
and much to my delight, I was limericked too!
Karen Jo at Kitty Limericks wrote about my love of tomatoes!
What a terrific surprise for me on this holiday weekend.
This is what she wrote about me:

Willow is a little over three years old. She was adopted from the Humane Society when she was 2 1/2 months old. She quickly made friends with China Cat and the two of them get along very well. Willow
likes to eat things which come in cans, like beans, tuna and tomatoes. Her Mom very cleverly got a can opener which leaves no sharp edges, so Willow can enjoy her food right out of the can. Willow absolutely refuses to eat anything which gets on the floor. She even refuses to eat the crunchies which get out of the bowl and on her placemat.
And here is the picture of me and my tomatoes:
And my wonderful limerick:
Willow likes to eat canned tomatoes.

She eats out of the can and gets some on her nose.

The can may fall down,

But she doesn't frown.

She hops to the floor and licks her tomatoes.

Thank you so much for this honor!

Friday, May 25, 2007

My Favorites Meme

I was tagged
for the Favorites Meme by Suzanne.
This should be a lot of fun.

Time of day:
Anytime of day that I am eating, of course!

Day of week:
I can't decide what my favorite day is because I have fun everyday. However, to answer the question, I will say Sunday because Sunday is the day that starts the week with more fun things to do!

Season of year:
Spring would be my favorite because the weather starts getting warmer and I get to go out for hours in my sunny screened-in porch. I do like Summer too but sometimes it is way too hot!

I am torn between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving I always get turkey but Christmas I get presents. Oh, I guess I get good food at Christmastime too. Actually all holidays seem to have good food so now I am really confused. presents and lovely family time.

I'm sure I don't have a favorite beach since I have never seen one. I do have a pool in my backyard but I'm afraid to go out near it so I guess the pool is also not one of my favorite things.

Just like China Cat, my favorite song is my own song. I sing my song to my Food Lady and she likes to hear me and then gives me my crunchies.

When we have fresh flowers in the house I always try to eat them. My favorites are Roses. My Food Lady loves roses but she doesn't want to eat them like I do.

I don't have a favorite movie but when I was a kitten I loved watching the TV. I don't do that so much anymore.

I don't watch soaps, but I hear them because my Food Lady watches a lot of them.

I like drinking water a lot but I also like milk from my Food Lady's cereal bowl. Yum!

I think that tomatoes are considered fruit so that would have to be my favorite fruit. If you don't think tomatoes are fruit, then my next favorite fruit is strawberries.

Any type of Temptations - I love them all.

The only cat food I eat is Eukanuba Restricted-Calorie crunchies. I like it very much. The only problem is that my vet told my Food Lady that I should lose 2 pounds so I'm not supposed to get any extra in-between meals.

I have never actually gone to a restaurant but I love it when my Lap Lady brings home some leftover chicken or steak.
If any other cat wants to play, consider yourself tagged!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I really don't like going to the vet...

Hey, look what I found out in my screened-in porch!
It might be a scary PTU but the door is open.
So I thought I would just check it out...
Not a good idea!
As you can see, we were both trapped!
I called to my squillion Jessie, "Please get me out of here!"
She did her best but could not get me out of that darn PTU.
After we were put into my Food Lady's white VW,
named after Skeezix,
we ended up on a bench at the V-E-T!
We both complained the whole way there
but my Food Lady kept telling us that this was necessary
and it's only once a year.
When we were in Room #1,
my Food Lady discovered that I was actually drooling.
I have never drooled before but I was terrified there.
My doctor came in the room
and tried to get me to come out of my hated PTU
which somehow became my beloved PTU.
As much as I did not want to get in the PTU,
I was certainly not going to get out of it
until I was home again.
The doctor and her assistant tried dumping me out of the PTU
but I very cleverly wedged my left hind foot at the top
so I was not coming out.
OK, they eventually figured out how to get me out.
However, I just went limp and didn't even bite or scratch anybody
and therefore they did heap praises upon me
regarding what a good cat I was.
Honestly, I just wanted to go home!
Here I am back home again, on my favorite rug,
by my favorite sliding glass door,
to my favorite screened-in porch.
What a relief!!!!!
Don't forget to visit Carnival of the Cats at the Cat Blogosphere.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Calm before the Storm...

This is how I looked
before the PTU showed up in my beloved screened-in porch...

Friday, May 11, 2007

7 Random Willow Facts

Oh Hooray!
I was tagged by Kimo & Sabi
and by Earl Grey for a fun meme
where I get to tell 7 Random Facts about Myself.
Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I find it very important to have a routine. If my Food Lady is not awake by 6:00 it is my job to wake her up for breakfast. Sometimes I drop toys on her or I meow in her face. If she ignores me then I will lick her face. If I still don't get her attention, it becomes time for me to whap her on the head. That always works - and I get my breakfast.

2. Eating is very important to me also. If my Food Lady puts shoes on (she is usually barefoot at home) then I know she is leaving so I need food. The dad thinks this is ridiculous but hey...I don't know when she will be back and I want food!

3. I am always there when my Food Lady showers and dries her hair. First I sit at the shower door and wait for her to come out. When she is ready to use the dryer on her hair, she aims it at me and combs the top of my head. Usually I will roll over and she combs my tummy too. Then while she finishes drying her hair, I finish grooming myself. And then I get to eat.

4. I get very much frightened if people come into my house. I have hidden in the basement, or the bedroom under the bed, or on one of the dining room chairs or on one of the kitchen chairs.

5. I don't like to be held. My Food Lady likes to pick me up and I am a bit amenable to it if she puts me back down and feeds me my crunchies. I think that is why she always picks me up before I eat. Oh, I will also let her hold me so I can look out the window. But I wiggle away if there is nothing outside worth looking at - like birds or squirrels.

6. As much as I love my Food Lady I only sit on my Big Janitor's lap. Or when my Food Lady's Dad was visiting, I sat on his lap too. I have lived here since May 1st, 2004 (when I was about 3 months old) and I have only sat on my Food Lady's lap 3 or 4 times. But I do sleep on her at night. I don't know why, it's just the way I am.

7. I really love my sister-cat China Cat. She washes my head and my ears. And she always lets me plop down next to her for catnaps. She was very lonely when the cat that lived here before me, Samantha, went to the Bridge. Samantha wasn't very friendly with China Cat, so when I came here and loved her, China Cat was very happy.
So now the seven cats I am tagging are as follows:
KC and Missy Blue Eyes at their blog
Merlin and Dobby at their blog
Bathsheba at Jake and Bathsheba's blog
Riley and Tiki at their blog

Monday, May 7, 2007

Midnight Monday with a Lizard!

My little friends, China II and Willow II,
went over to my Food Lady's Aunt's house.
She has a beautiful black cat named BC -
she said that BC stands for Black Cat.
BC is a very friendly kitty.
My Food Lady really enjoyed seeing and playing with BC
since she couldn't play with me.
BC is also very lucky
because there are lots of lizards there to play with.
My Food Lady saw this little lizard in a hanging plant.
Maybe this is Louisiana George - maybe Daisy will know???
Anyway, he quickly ran up the rope on the hanging plant...... and walked right across the wall.
I was amazed at this feat
but I've never seen a lizard before.
BC was sorry LA George didn't stay around to play...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Such a Sleepy Sunday...

I was so sleepy this morning
that I didn't want to get out of bed.
I looked over and saw China Cat was still sleeping too...
So, Zzzzzz....Zzzzzzz....Zzzzzz....

Friday, May 4, 2007

China II and Willow II toured a swamp!

OK, China II and Willow II gave me
their first report....
They went on a swamp tour!
They were kind of nervous about going on a swamp tour and they had never even seen a swamp before.

Well, actually I've never seen a swamp before either. But they were very brave and got in the swamp boat. They said that after they were on the boat
it headed out to where the 'gators live...
Their swamp tour guide said that the
big 'gator's name was Big Boy.
And the smaller one was Cindy.
When he called them, they swam over to the boat
to eat chicken that he threw to them.
After seeing the 'gators and some egrets
they headed back to land.
China II and Willow II were happy that
Big Boy and Cindy didn't see them and try eating them!
I am too!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I was right to be very concerned...

Last Wednesday I was very concerned.
I had found the big green carrier thing
that usually means that my Food Lady is going away.
I was certainly right about that -
which is why I have been
unable to blog for what seems like forever!
But before she left I had an idea
to send my Squillion, Sadie Katie in the bag
so she could let me know what was going on.
Unfortunately, Sadie Katie was too big to go unnoticed
so China Cat and I recruited our little friends,
China II and Willow II.
We helped them hide in my Food Lady's purse
and Thursday morning at 5:30 AM
(a ridiculous hour to be awake)
my Big Janitor and my Food Lady got in the car and left us.
However, they didn't know that
China II and Willow II were in the purse!
Also before they left, my Food Lady gave us
treats and hugs and kisses and told us that a nice lady
was going to come over every morning and evening
to give us breakfast and dinner.
We did remember that lady from when
the big green carrier came out last time.
She was very nice and never forgot us.
And she even played with us.
So now we are just waiting for
reports from China II and Willow II...
