Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday Caturday

I see that the bag says "CAT TREATS"
and I would like them now!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

China Cat and I hope that everyone has a wonderful time today for Thanksgiving. My Food Lady let me post this recipe for all of you to pass on to your moms and dads. I hope that all of you get Thanksgiving Treats!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

He is here again...

Here I am, looking for that new little guy that keeps coming over to my house. My Food Lady calls him her Sweet Grandbaby and Little Pooky. That's not what I would call him but no one asked me... He is part of the reason that I don't get to blog as much as I did before... sigh...
See, behind me is something that he sits in. Sometimes he is quietly playing but sometimes he is loud and he tosses toys on to the floor. These are not cat toys and I am not allowed to play with them. At first, I was afraid of him but now that I know that he cannot escape that saucer I like to sit on the couch and watch him. He likes to watch me too!
I don't know what will happen if he gets out of that saucer...
Here's where to find all of the Weekend Cat Events!
Weekend Cat Blogging #233 is being hosted by Samantha Black
at Life From a Cat's Perspective
(Please keep purring for Mr. Tigger to come home!)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos - Edition 110 is being hosted by
Kashim & Othello and Salome
at Three Tabby Cats in Vienna
The Carnival of the Cats #297 is being hosted by
Pet's Garden Blog

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Was Too Loud For Me!

I did not like all of the trick or treaters ringing my doorbell.
But I hope that everyone had a nice and safe Halloween!
