Sunday, May 24, 2009

Budgeting on Sunday

I am keeping my eye on you, Food Lady.
I am watching you sort out bills and pay bills
I am making sure you budget cat food, treats & toys
as very important expenses!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Guess where I am...
Oh, you probably can't see me at all!
Here I am!
Today I am thankful that I finally got to blog
and that I found this great bag!
Life is good, indeed!

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Gotcha Day is Today!

It's my Gotcha Day today!
Five years ago my Food Lady and I met at the Humane Society. I was the last kitten left after my two other siblings were adopted first. My soon-to-be sister-cat, China Cat needed a kitten. Samantha, the One Who Came Before, had recently gone to the Bridge. My Big Janitor Dad and my Food Lady were afraid China Cat was lonely. I was so happy when I went to my forever home - China Cat is the best ever sister-cat!
