Sunday, September 23, 2007

BKC Theme: Pillows or Beds

Hey, it's time for the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos.
The Festival is being hosted
by the Bengal Brats over at Pet's Garden Blog.
The theme this week is pillows or beds.
Now, you know I love both pillows and beds
but I also love toys.
So I thought that today I will feature myself
laying on a blanket on the bed with A Toy!
OK, technically it's not a toy to humans
but to cats, hair elastics are Terrific Toys!
I just can't decide if I'm done resting before I grab that toy!

Not only is it time for the Bad Kitty Cat's Festival of Chaos
but it's time for the Carnival of Cats too!

The Carnival is being hosted
by Kosmo, Mousie, Indigo & Amber
over at
This, That & The Other Thing.

Lots of cats to go visit today!


Anonymous said...

I love toys, beds and pillows. In that order.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Willow, that is a very cute picture of you lying on the pillow.

Anonymous said...

You look so comfy there!

Samantha & Mom said...

Such a cute picture Willow. You look ready to sleep and you are checking to make sure the hair elastic is still there.
Your FL furiends,

Laura said...

What a darling photo of you!
Walter used to LOVE my hair pony tail holder thingeys!
And my pens.
He liked to play with a lot of things my other kitties ignore, come to think of it.
Mosaic Lady

Daisy said...

Willow, I see you got your eye on that hair elastic!

Lux said...

*Look at you - cute picture, Willow!
